Tietoa Huberista

Vision & Mission of the HUBER Group

No. 1 in WASTE WATER Solutions – Worldwide

Our aim is to promote the sustainable use of water, energy and resources


Water, wastewater and energy as a whole

Our products, processes and services help our customers save, protect and clean water. Our processes also enable the further processing and useful recycling of resulting residual materials.

Customer service at the forefront

Benefit to our customers and their satisfaction are the basis of our past and future success.

Game-changing technical solutions

We offer high-quality, innovative products on a competitive basis. Our solutions can be tailored to meet specific requirements of individual customers.

Comprehensive expertise

We rely on our own skills and strengths in delivering our services. This ensures the required quality, flexibility and independence in fulfilling customer needs. As an international company we provide the individual elements of our value chain where this creates the maximum benefit for the customer and company.

Living processes

As a company we are constantly working to improve our internal workflows and processes. In doing so, we ensure an efficient organisational structure and flat hierarchies. This enables us to continuously develop and enhance the quality of our solutions and products and allow us to provide excellent customer service. 

Success through cooperation

Our company actively encourages cooperation in working relationships and exemplary management based on trust and respect. Our company employs highly qualified staff and we ask each and every one of them for a high level of commitment, motivation and professionalism.

Responsibility for the environment, society and our employees

Our products and services contribute to protecting the environment and we are committed to ensuring that our business activities accord with the principles of sustainability. It is our goal as a company to live up to our responsibility toward society. Occupational health and safety are part of our self-concept and represent an important contribution to our company's success.

Our origins and our future

Our company has remained a family-owned, financially independent business since 1872. We ensure that this continues into the future through long-term planning and development that leads to profitable growth.


Board of Directors HUBER SE

Berching, November 2022