HUBER Ratkaisut viemäreille

There are many problems with sewer systems:

  • A substantial portion of the collected sewage does not even arrive at a treatment plant. Particularly through combined sewer overflows (CSO), a substantial portion of the yearly freight is discharged directly into receiving waters. And usually it is not even known how much sewage and waste is discharged through CSOs.
  • Floating and suspended matter are also directly discharged into receiving waters through storm tank overflows.
  • Sediments in storm water tanks are often not removed and treated effectively and efficiently.
  • Solids are deposited in sewers and inverts during dry weather flow, they begin to rot and cause odor and corrosion problems. During heavy storm events they are remobilized and overload wastewater treatment plants as a freight peak or are directly discharged into receiving waters through overflows.
  • Sewage pumps in lifting and forwarding stations are often clogged by coarse solids.
  • Essential components of sewer manholes are corroding.

We offer efficient and reliable HUBER Solutions for all these problems: